Mark Miller
The Leaguers, Inc.
New Jersey
The ZONO™s allow us to disinfect classroom materials thoroughly and efficiently. This gives our families and staff confidence that our facilities are safe and that we are mindful of their health.
Joyce Young
North Carolina
Four Square Headstart has a ZONO™ in each one of our centers. I firmly believe that the ZONO™, played a huge part in keeping our children and staff well during the Covid out break. We started with letting the parents decide whether to send their child or do on line activities. When they learned more about the ZONO™ and all the advantage of having it in our centers. Families felt comfortable about sending their children back into a classroom setting. Shorty after this we were severing 100% in class. Our families could see the extent that we taking to keep their children safe. Almost ever Daycare in our five countries were shut down because of Covid. We remained open with healthy staff and children all year.
Shonda Williams-Reaves
Washington County NB & PW Club, Inc.
Please invest in the ZONO™ Machine because safety should be your 1st priority.
Nicole Whitlow
Siskiyou Early Head Start
We have a ZONO™ in each classroom which allows our teachers to sanitize whenever they want throughout the day. It’s fast and easy and opens up the possibility of sanitizing most everything.
Dr. Mary DuPuis
Chehalis Tribal Early Learning Center
Do it! We love ours! It has really made a difference in the amount of time staff spend cleaning.
Susie Wilcher
Wash. Co. NBPW (all five sites)
Parents were impressed and relieved we went the extra mile by enabling safer and faster sanitizing for classroom supplies/materials
Sheenae Westmoreland
Ratchford CDC
North Alabama
It has decreased illnesses (student and staff), the staff enjoy using the ZONO™ as it helps with clean up time and is efficient in cleaning a multitude of items at one time. It provides a sense of security in knowing that all items are 99.9% sanitized without chemicals. Parents and staff feel more confident knowing that our center has a ZONO™.
Karen Vinyard
Southwest HRA Head Start Chester County Center
The ease to sanitize during the COVID-19 pandemic has been amazing. Because of the pandemic when have not been able to analyze attendance in either staff or children, but it has made us feel more confident in knowing that we are doing all we can to protect everyone. At the end of the program year we cleaned and sanitized all the children’s tablets that had been in homes from all the counties.
Donna Hora-Schwobe
Stockbridge Munsee Head Start
It has saved staff time in cleaning. It also reassures staff and families that everything is being sanitized in a quality manner.
Susan Bartley
Lake Orion Head Start
Purchased during COVID-19, teachers were able to put all toys, sleeping mats and other objects they felt necessary to sanitize their work environment. This included their personal phones! Staff were more relaxed in a pandemic knowing there were resources to keep them safe.
Venita Treadwell
Head Start South City - Tallahassee.
Teachers feel more in control of sanitizing their classrooms, parents feel we care to go the extra mile to keep their children safe and we now have more time to work on other things that are required of staff instead of always cleaning and sanitizing.
Lynn Ivey
ASFSC Early Head Start
Improved hygiene and safety; improved appreciation of parents and staff for hygiene and safety efforts